Bringing Christ to People and People to Christ
Making Disciples of All Ages
We believe that Jesus Christ is the universal savior of all humanity.
Through the life, death and resurrection of Jesus, God has done something for the human race that we cannot do for ourselves. In an act of love for us, God has made it possible for human beings to be forgiven for our sins and reconciled with God. But more than that, Jesus has promised eternal life to all who believe in, and follow Him. Jesus sent His followers to “make disciples of all nations.” It is our responsibility, joy, and highest priority to share this good news with as many people as possible. Our primary purpose as a Church is to bring people into a life changing relationship with God through Jesus Christ. |
Jesus called us to “make disciples” of all nations. To be a disciple means to learn from Jesus Christ and follow him.
At Trinity, we strive to teach people at every level of their life journey what it means to follow Jesus Christ. We begin Sunday School at age 3 and continue through high school and beyond. We have a First Communion class for young children, a Confirmation class for teens, and youth group for middle school and high school students. We offer several adult courses and learning opportunities for spiritual growth, including retreats, Small Groups, Bible studies, a Lenten Series, and more. |
Demonstrating Christ’s Love through Mercy Ministries |
Providing a Sanctuary for Spiritual Renewal
Jesus teaches us, in many and various ways, that we must demonstrate our love of God through tangible acts of love for our neighbors – especially neighbors who are hurting.
At the conclusion of the parable of the Good Samaritan, Jesus says “you go and do likewise.” We strive to obey this teaching through various mercy ministries. We have a weekly ministry to local nursing homes, a monthly ministry feeding hungry people in Bushnell Park in Hartford, a Fill the Truck ministry to feed our neighbors, Habitat For Humanity work weeks, and annual mission trips. In 2003, we began a major sponsorship of a rural medical clinic in Northern Nigeria, the Kateri Medical Services. We also support the work of the Africa Education Partnership. |
For many years, Trinity has been a center of healing prayer, spiritual direction, and counseling for people in crisis.
Under the direction of our Healing Commission, we provide healing services, healing prayer, and counseling ministries to anyone who desires it at no charge. On the first Sunday of every month, we have prayers for healing at the altar rail at our Sunday morning in-person services, and offer healing prayer every week by phone. Come, let us pray with you! |