Vacation Bible School (VBS)
June 18- September 3, 2023
As you know, we are not planning a week long, half day, Camp at Trinity Church this year. (Formerly Vacation Bible School/ VBS.) Instead we are going to have a SUMMER long Camp! We are going to use the camp curriculum for our lessons for Sunday school and Family worship night. So, we are going to have camp ALL SUMMER LONG! We already have a room devoted to this curriculum and it is STELLAR!
Take a peek into VBS!
Remember these VBS Themes?2001 - Polar Expedition
2002 - Bug Safari 2003 - SCUBA 2004 - Lava Lava Island 2005 - Serengeti Trek 2006 - Fiesta 2007 - Avalanche Ranch 2008 - Power Lab 2009 - Crocodile Dock 2010 - High Seas Expedition 2011 - Panda Mania 2012 - Sky 2013 - Kingdom Rock 2014 - Weird Animals 2015 - Everest 2016 - Cave Quest 2017 - Maker Fun Factory 2018- Shipwrecked 2019- Camp ROAR! 2021- Camp ROCKY RAILWAY 2022- Camp Monumental 2023- Camp Stellar (ALL SUMMER LONG!) |
Trinity's Policy for the Protection of Children
We are committed to protecting our children from physical or emotional harm or neglect in every aspect of our programs. For more information on Trinity's Policy for the Protection of Children, click the link on this page. On the door of each Sunday school Classroom you will find another copy of the Policy for the Protection of Children. This is done intentionally as a reminder to any who enter the Sunday school wings that our children are our future and their protection is our current responsibility.